(though it was several inches longer than when this picture was taken)
... and pulled the needles out. I sat there frogging it gingerly, delicately as DH and I watched a movie... he saw but didn't ask why. I think he knew. He always knows.
I'll tell you why. It wasn't living up to my expectations. I had made several errors in the pattern, and although they didn't show, I knew they were there. As well, this yarn deserves a better end. It's high-class, up-town delicious cashmere and silk, and it deserves to be knit into something complex and amazing, not just a simple pattern of knit rows and yarn-overs. The yarn told me it wanted to grow up to be something better, and I listened.
Part of that made me immediately frog this project was Anne Hanson's newest scarf, the Fiddlehead. Now, doesn't this look like something cashmere would like to grow up to be?
(I think part of it is that I can't fathom myself actually wearing anything I make from this ethereal yarn. I am the opposite of ethereal, what with the Army boots and all... :) )
RE: "I can't fathom myself actually wearing anything I make from this ethereal yarn."
This coming from the girl who says every day is a dress up day? Hard to believe! I expect to see Fiddlesticks blooming asap, soldier!
xoxo k
well sometimes a little contrast is surprisingly refreshing . . i think army boots and cashmere fit that bill!
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