As little time as I have had this spring, I still have a lovely garden going full-swing, with an amazing assortment of flowers, vegetables and herbs. I consider it my therapy... when staring at a laptop for hours gets me down, I go and weed or water or simply admire my lovelies.
My sweet peas are reaching for the sky! I can't wait for their heavenly scent.
Happy little cherry tomato plants.
Peas and beans and chives, oh my!
Clematis. Don't you think that a flower this lovely should have a name that doesn't make everyone think of a venereal disease?
Snowy, showy lilacs... these don't get full sun so they're much later then the lilacs elsewhere. Suits me fine.
The veggie and herb garden, featuring rapini, kale, chard, dill, basil, thyme, radishes, carrots, cilantro, beets, peppers, cucumber, tarragon and more. Square-foot gardening is amazing! Momma's pride and joy: 120 some garlic plants, Siberian Red and Fireball. Wooot! Fresh scapes for supper sometime this week! (My gal pal Lisa and I always hit the Carp Garlic Festival hard; last year I bought $70 in garlic so I never again have to eat the relatively tasteless crap you get in the stores. This year, I've taken another approach to solving the problem... though I'll still be going to the festival!) Not sure what it is, aside from durned pretty. :)