Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Best Laid Plans...

I had such plans for the last three months. I made a list of all the projects I would get done, reveling in the vast amounts of free time I had at my disposal.

Today is the end of my happy little sabbatical, and as I look at my list, I see that everything I did on it, I did within the last two days, in a panic to be able to cross something off.

I did, however, play massive amounts of Guild Wars, and knit, stitch and sew up a storm. I got a lot of those projects done, and I suppose I ought to feel good about that, but yet there's furniture unpainted and spots on the walls yet to fix.

It's funny how I seem to be more efficient when I have something else on the go. I anticipate ramping up to be my old efficient self after the routines of school settle in.

I am very excited to start my big school adventure tomorrow; opening yet another chapter. I hope you begin your New Year with equal anticipation, excitement and hope.


Velda said...

I wish you a wonderful first day and a year full of incredible learning.

Aline said...

Best of luck with your new chapter in life.