These are two day-passes to the Creativ Festival in Toronto (formerly the CSNF). This can only mean one thing: ROAD TRIP!!!
Kate and I have train tickets booked, hotel arranged, and tickets in hand for next weekend's all-you-can-handle fibre festival. I haven't attended for years, and am very much looking forward to the festival itself, and a road trip with a dear friend who I don't see nearly enough of.
I got a retirement card in the mail today as well. Velda, who has noted my pouting and stomping about with regards to the lack of ceremony when I left work, has taken matters into her own hands and sent a thoughtful card.
She also is an enabler extraordinaire. One of the reasons I'm rejoicing in my new freedom is that I now have greater control over what I look like. Civilian clothes all the time, painted nails, hair dyed unnatural colours... it's all available to me now. I even confessed to her that I was thinking of getting my nose pierced; I like the look, and it is now lawful for me to do so. Her reply:
Do ya think she's trying to tell me something? :)
I am pea green with envy over your whole new life and possibilities and freedom. I can't wait to retire and they don't even need to throw me a party or give me any lovely parting gifts -- just my pension. Go for the nose ring -- or even a tattoo. That's what I'm getting when I retire!
yay!! I'm so glad you liked it :) I really *couldn't* resist, I was giggling the entire time I was picking it time I'm buying myself one. When I get my brave back lol
My last couple of road trips have been all about fibre...still on the animal (in the form of a bunny) no shopping involved :(
So what unatural colour will it be for your official retirement? Something to match the nose ring???
What a cute picutre of your cat and the cardi. The feline has good taste. I saw a painted nail stuff. I like pierced noses too. I did my shnazz but it wouldn't heal. sniff. I couldn't find a comfortable-to-sleep-with piece of jewelry. I kept ripping mine off in the night. Ouch! My face cloth would often get caught too...ouch! So I had to abandon the bling. when I find a smooth comfy jewel for my nose, I will try it again. I think it is classy.
Think I can fly down and meet you guys--I'm soo jealous--I am so in need of fibre therapy and great company! DARN I'll be in Peterborough for a wedding.
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